Flashcard quiz on memory for Year 12 Psychology

Dear Year 12 students,

The flashcards below may help you to learn many of the terms you’ll need for the next area of study. You might also find that by going to the site itself, http://www.quizlet.com, you can make up your own sets of flashcards, download them to your i-Pod or i-Phone or simply read them on-line. They can also be printed out or used to generate simple tests.

The more you rehearse, the longer you’ll remember. Of course, if you rehearse meaningfully, you’ll have more chance of the information becoming firmly fixed in your long-term memory, so that you can retrieve it with ease all your life long.

Or at least in the exam.

Kind regards and happy holidays from Ms Ind, Ms Bottrell and Ms Green.

PS Don’t forget to do your holiday homework (download here), which will be handed out later this week:
♦A concept map of the Atkinson-Shriffrin Multi-Store Model of Memory DOWNLOAD HERE
♦A concept map of Craik and Lockhart’s Levels of Processing Model (see handout)
♦A concept map of Baddeley  andHitch’s Model of Working Memory DOWNLOAD HERE
♦Question and answer sheet on the four theories of forgetting: retrieval failure, motivated forgetting, interference theory and decay theory DOWNLOAD HERE


If you would like to put your revision in your pocket, you can also download flashcards from this site to your chosen gadget, provided that it supports this kind of application. The App I use is called Flashcards and is available through i-Tunes.

Memory flashcard episodic memory

If you have an Apple gadget, you can download these memory flashcards to your device. Neat way to revise on the run.
If you have an Apple gadget, you can download these memory flashcards to your device. Neat way to revise on the run.

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